< 1 minute read

STATEMENT Regarding Recent Demonization of Israel at Butler University

Photo: Brent Smith/Wikimedia Commons Common sense would suggest that demonizing the nation-state of the Jewish people is antithetical to the principles of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.” Nevertheless, that’s exactly what Butler University’s Student Government Association’s (SGA) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Board propagated through their co-sponsorship of last week’s “Boycott and...

< 1 minute read

Max Blumenthal Caught Spreading Lies (Again)

This entry is cross-posted from our Snapshots blog. This week, CAMERA analysts once again caught notorious anti-Israel blogger, Max Blumenthal, casually spreading lies on Twitter. As we posted in our CAMERA Snapshots blog, Blumenthal’s tweet in question was made in support of, and in elaboration of, another Twitter user’s claim that Ariel...

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