A recent Case Western Reserve University Observer editorial accuses the university’s President Eric Kaler of promoting “falsity” and being “misinformed” about the BDS resolution recently adopted by the Undergraduate Student Government (USG). We agree that facts must be central to any discussion of the resolution and the conflict in general. This is why...
Anti-Zionism is a theatrical performance of the all-or-nothing fallacy
In an age when social justice has developed into a herd mentality, anti-Zionists are victims of the All-Or-Nothing Fallacy — a false dilemma suggesting there are only two possible options when really there are many. While accusing the other side of perpetuating false information and pushing an agenda that hurts...
Pomerantz: An Open Letter to President Snyder
Dear President Snyder, We are writing to you on behalf of Israel’s CWRU, the only pro-Israel student group on campus. My name is Hannah Pomerantz, I am a second-year student at Case Western Reserve University, a member of the group, and a Fellow for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle...