בעקבות הרצח הטראגי של ג’ורג’ פלויד, נוצר כאוס גדול בחברה בארצות הברית, כמו גם ברחבי העולם. הפשע המחריד העלה שאלה עתיקת יומין לדיון הציבורי: האם השגנו שוויון בחברה? אם לא, איך אפשר להשיג? אלה כמובן שאלות טעונות. מספר רב של ספרים ומאמרים נכתבו בנושא, ובדם, יזע ודמעות נעשים מאמצים ליצור...
Punitive Housing Demolitions: Why They Are Justified
Israel has suffered from various threats from the first few hours of its existence, and those threats still continue today. At first the Jewish State was under threat from invading Arab armies seeking to militarily destroy it, and now it is faced with Palestinian terrorism from within. In response to...
From 9/11 to Today: Countering Terror Online
Extremism is reaching people across the world through social media. Terrorists can sift through a population using social media and reach people susceptible to ideas of extremism. Luring people to their cause, extremists spread their ideas from the ease of their desktop and as quickly as their internet bandwidth will allow. To say the...
University of Central Florida Hosts Dr. Anat Berko
On October 9, 2013, The Knights for Israel at the University of Central Florida hosted a CCAP student event featuring distinguished, world-renowned expert on terrorism Dr. Anat Berko. Dr. Anat Berko’s research focuses on suicide bombers as well as their handlers. She is a member of Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Team and Israel’s National...