2 minute read

Israel Independence Day at Drexel University

Last week, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, was celebrated at Drexel University! Yom Ha’atzmaut is a day of celebration, music, and especially Israeli food. Dragons for Israel at Drexel organized their annual event for students to come enjoy and celebrate Israel’s 66th birthday. Everyone enjoyed themselves as they listened to middle...

3 minute read

A Call for Academic Freedom

This piece was contributed by Meytal Chernoff, a CAMERA Fellow at Washington University in St. Louis. It was republished on May 25th in The Algemeiner. During the Modern Language Association’s meeting of the Delegate Assembly this past April, the MLA voted to approve Resolution 2014-1. This new resolution passed in a...

< 1 minute read

The Israel Journey at FAU and The Forgotten Refugees

At Florida Atlantic University on April 3, students, many of whom knew little or nothing about Israel, were about to learn more about it from a map of Israel and the screening of The Forgotten Refugees. The Forgotten Refugees is a film which features the plight of the Jewish refugees...

2 minute read

Elad Seker speaks at Florida Atlantic University

On April 7, CAMERA Fellow Abraham Mercado at Florida Atlantic University organized an event featuring Elad Seker. The event attracted over 25 people, including a few professors. People were able to learn from Elad, who volunteers to travel to other countries in order to help with disaster relief, about the...

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