4 minute read

Future Leaders of Israel

Contributed by Rena Nasar, former president of the CCAP Group YOFI at Baruch College: Israeli soldier Hen Mazzig wrote a powerful, heartfelt op-ed in the Times of Israel imploring young American Jews to “wake up” and “stand for the Jewish state of Israel, and for all it represents, and for...

< 1 minute read

University of Pittsburgh Event

Discussing endangered Minorities in the Arab Spring at the University of Pittsburgh on October 29.  How has the Arab Spring effected minorities throughout the Middle East? A research fellow at the New America Foundation came to the University of Pittsburgh to discuss how minorities living throughout the Middle East have been...

2 minute read

Recap of Dr. Anat Berko’s Campus Tour

Anat Berko just recently completed her October campus tour, visiting ten campuses that stretched from Florida to Ohio. Recap of Dr. Berko’s Eastern tour of the US: October 7: Binghamton University October 8: Florida Atlantic University October 9: University of Southern Florida October 9: University of Central Florida October 10:...

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