Last week, Leah Grynheim, a senior at Indiana University Bloomington, published her first blog post for The Times of Israel: “Hillel excludes pro-Israel narratives.” Grynheim condemned the acts of Hillels across the nation, claiming that the organization has “failed to uphold their mission statement,” and she specifically mentioned my college, Clark...
In the end, love will win
Israelis are known for not cancelling personal celebrations during times of war and terror. During Operation Protective Edge, the army managed to pull out two combat soldiers from the war for a few hours to attend their sister’s wedding. More recently this past November, Sarah Litman did not postpone her wedding after losing her...
Tough Love
Clark, you haven’t always been easy on me. In fact, as soon as I found my fervor for Israel and began putting that passion to use, there were times when you left me feeling bullied, deeply pained, lonely, and drained. There were times when you left me in an isolated...
Where is the Outcry?
Zionism is the emancipation and homecoming of the Jewish people. Zionism, and the state of Israel it reincarnated, has united generations of Jewish people. Before Zionism brought the Jewish people home from their 2000 year wanderings, it was a dream waiting to be fulfilled. Millions throughout the millennia prayed...
In defense of self-determination: The Parallels between the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Israel
In mid-September, I received the news. I would finally be going to Israel. A longstanding dream of mine was being realized. I will soon be in the holy land. I am a native of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (having lived here since I was about four years of age). As...
Clark University Hosts “Less Hamas More Humus: Featuring Noam Bedein and the Reality of Israelis Living Under Rocket Fire in Sderot”
At the beginning of October, Clarkies Helping and Advocating for Israel (CHAI), the pro-Israel group at Clark University, hosted Noam Bedein for their Less Hamas More Hummus event. Bedein is the founder and director of the Sderot Media Center, a media advocacy center which portrays the human face of Sderot and Southern Israel under siege, to the...
My Brother’s Keeper: The Human Responsibility
This piece was contributed by Clark University CAMERA Fellow, Seth Greenwald. We often hear the religious statement “Am I to be my brother’s keeper?”, a biblical reference to the story of Cain and Abel where Cain murdered his brother in cold blood and failed to take responsibility for his actions....
Thankful to CAMERA
By Jemmie Tejeda, Clark University CAMERA Israel Trip 2014 participant Weeks before embarking on my first trip to Israel with the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, family and friends came together to advise me of the perils I would encounter on my trip to the Middle...