A version of this piece was originally published in The Claremont Independent by CAMERA Fellow Elliott Hamilton on November 23rd 2014. After spending nine months in the State of Israel, Bryan Turkel, a brother of Alpha Epsilon Pi and a proud Zionist, returned to Claremont McKenna with full intention of displaying his identity....
The ‘Science’ of Israel on Campus: CAMERA Preps Students for Upcoming Challenges
By Sean Savage/JNS.org While Israel has been engaged in a seemingly endless summer war with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, which is indiscriminately firing rockets at Israeli cities, pro-Israel students are about to re-enter an increasingly hostile environment for the Jewish state on their college campuses. Just a couple of...
Is Abbas Really a “Moderate”?
Various governments, news sources, and even some Israeli politicians refer to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as a “moderate.” He and his political party, Fatah, market themselves as a “peaceful” alternative to the “extremist” Jew-hating terrorist group Hamas. In light of Hamas openly spewing genocidal incitement while simultaneously fighting a...
We Must Take Ownership of Our Own Humanity
By Elliot Hamilton of Pamona College, who is part of the CCAP group Claremont Colleges for Israel. The piece We Must Take Ownership of Our Own Humanity was originally published on November 15 in The Student Life. Political discourse runs vigorously through the veins of this consortium. Claremont presents itself as a...