< 1 minute read

Gaza Rocket Attacks No Laughing Matter

Editor, the Tribune: Recently, Israeli journalist Noam Bedein spoke at the University of Missouri. Bedein presented stories of the victims of rocket terrorism of people who live in Sderot, Israel. Bedein is an eyewitness. Noam Bedein, Director of the Sderot Media Center holding two drawings made by Israeli children, wishing for peace...

2 minute read

The Amazing Chanukah Donut Giveaway at Laurentian

Recap of the Amazing Chanukah Donut Giveaway at Laurentian University, contributed by the Laurentian University CCAP (CAMERA Supported) Group Jewish Students Association VP Sidney Shapiro: This week, to celebrate Chanukah, the Laurentian University Jewish Students Association tried something new: We put on an event called The Amazing Hanukkah Donut Giveaway. Laurentian University has about 9,000...

4 minute read

Future Leaders of Israel

Contributed by Rena Nasar, former president of the CCAP Group YOFI at Baruch College: Israeli soldier Hen Mazzig wrote a powerful, heartfelt op-ed in the Times of Israel imploring young American Jews to “wake up” and “stand for the Jewish state of Israel, and for all it represents, and for...

2 minute read

SFSU President Condemns Campus Event With Slogan “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers”

SFSU General Union of Palestinian Students displays posters reading, “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers”; University President condemns the event.  This week, San Francisco State University President Les Wong publicly condemned an event held on campus in which students created posters that read, “My heroes have always killed colonizers.” The posters were displayed in...

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