What Martin Luther King Jr. had to say about Israel: Online misconceptions on Martin Luther King Jr. and Israel: Electronic Intifada Continues to Struggle With Quotations MLK on Peace, Israeli Security and Anti-Zionism Hoax: Martin Luther King’s “Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend”
Who is Edward Said and why is his picture on a mural at Cesar Chavez Center?
Who is Edward Said and why is his picture on a mural at Cesar Chavez Center? To answer this question, one must look back at the history of San Francisco State University (SFSU), its culture, and its philosophy. SFSU is known for its progressiveness and diversity. Thriving on this forward-thinking...
CAMERA Partners with Drexel Hillel on Birthright Trip
CAMERA’s Gilad Skolnick just returned from a wonderful Birthright Reunion at Drexel University. This is our second year in a row of working with Drexel’s Hillel in sending students on Birthright. Unique aspects of this partnership include having Israeli soldiers stay for the full 10 days of the Birthright trip...
United Nations Human Rights Council: Is it legitimate?
The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States. The Council is responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. According to UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer on September 10, 2013, “the purpose...
CAMERA Helps Bring Jeff Jacoby to Florida
Award winning Boston Globe Columnist Jeff Jacoby addressed a crowd of close to 300 on December 18th at the Boca Raton Synagogue. The event was made possible through the Boca Raton Synagogue Social Action Committee and support from CAMERA. Jacoby began his speech with an exercise commonly held at various pro-Israel...
Review of the Fall Semester 2013: Israel Awareness Week at the University of Houston
CAMERA Fellows and CCAP group leaders wrap up Fall Semester 2013 with a number of successful events. Take a look below to learn about Israel Awareness Week held at the University of Houston this Fall. Cesar De Gracia Morales, a CAMERA Fellow at the University of Houston, reported back on a multi-day event called “Israel Awareness Week” held October 21st through the...
Swarthmore Hillel Defies Hillel International Guidelines for Israel Campus Speakers
Swarthmore Hillel votes to defy Hillel’s Policy pertaining to Israel programming; Hillel President rejects the Swarthmore resolution and insists that any group carrying the Hillel name abide by Hillel’s Standards for Partnership. Matters heated up recently within Hillel when, on December 8th, Swathmore Hillel Student Board announced it had voted unanimously to defy Hillel...
7 Steps Away From “Freedom and Equality”
Tuesday morning, 12/10/13, thousands of University of Michigan students in various dorms across campus woke up to a mock eviction notice from the University of Michigan Housing Department. It said: “If you do not vacate the premises by 13 DECEMBER 6 PM, we reserve the right to demolish your premises...