12 minute read

Who is Linda Sarsour?

Linda Sarsour is a New York-based, Palestinian-American activist who is highly adept at promoting herself. She seems to always be at center stage, availing herself of photo-ops, and procuring prestigious platforms from which to preach, including an invitation to be commencement speaker at CUNY’s School of Public Health. How does...

2 minute read

Celebrating 50 Years of a Reunified Jerusalem

This week, Israel celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, and the reunification of Jerusalem. This miraculous event transformed the country, and remains one of the most important moments in Israel’s history. In May 1967, the Egyptians significantly stepped up their actions and rhetoric against Israel. Lead by...

4 minute read

Looking Back at the ‘Fake News’ of Jerusalem

Tomorrow, President Donald Trump, marked by controversy and unpredictability, arrives in Jerusalem, Israel’s hotly contested capital. That alone is a potentially combustible combination. Add to the mix the fact that Jerusalem is subject to more intensive media coverage than any other disputed city. In addition to the 800 foreign journalists...

3 minute read

Jewish Voice for Peace’s Hidden Agenda

When starting a political movement, choosing the right name is perhaps the most important step.   We tend to make snap decisions about whether or not to support an organization based on what its name implies, despite the danger that an organization can misrepresent itself with false connotations.  The Jewish Voice...

< 1 minute read

KCL Israel Society Honored by CAMERA

At CAMERA’s Annual Gala in New York, some six hundred CAMERA supporters came out to honor the students on the front lines of Israel activism today. The David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism was presented to CAMERA-supported group Kings College London Israel Society. KCL Israel Society was thrust into the headlines due to...

< 1 minute read

Mustangs United for Israel Honored at CAMERA Gala

Hundreds of supporters of CAMERA gathered last week to honor the student activists on campus, leading the fight for fair coverage of Israel. The David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Student Leadership was presented to Mustangs United for Israel (MUFI), the CAMERA-supported group at California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo. MUFI is a real...

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