The winner of CAMERA on Campus’s SodaStream raffle is Hosanna Thalhofer, the President of the Students Allied for Israel club at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma, Washington. CAMERA Campus Regional Coordinator and CAMERAonCampus Editor-in-Chief Gilad Skolnick recently caught up with her and asked her a few questions about herself and...
Gilead Ini speaks at UDelaware
On March 18, CAMERA Fellow Philip Chinitz hosted an event at the University of Delaware where CAMERA Senior Research Analyst Gilead Ini was featured. Mr. Ini talked about the six-month CAMERA study on bias in the New York Times. Mr. Ini explained graphs and the study overall to an audience which...
Noam Bedein Speaks at University of South Florida
On February 21, CAMERA Fellow Danielle Haberer of the University of South Florida hosted “I Love Israel”, which featured Noam Bedein, the director of the Sderot Media Center. Noam is a photojournalist, and educates government officials, press, and students all over the world. The event attracted about 35 students for...
CAMERA Visits California and Boston University
CAMERA’s campus team is all over the country. We just returned from the University of Southern California, where we met and spoke with dozens of students about the media and inaccuracies about Israel. At USC, students who had just returned from Israel, many of them for the first time, learned...
Chloé Valdary Speaks on Canada’s Sun News about how CAMERA Helps
Check out the great work that Allies of Israel is doing at the University of New Orleans (fast forward to 3:36 to hear from Chloé Valdary about how CAMERA is helping her campus pro-Israel group). Learn more about Allies of Israel and Chloé Valdary from the links below. Declare Your...
Keeping Pressure on Iran
Negotiations between Iran and the “P5+1,” which refers to the five World War II allied powers (US, China, Russia, France, and Britain) and Germany, began with a first round in Geneva on October 15th. This was generally seen as a positive first step in what will ultimately be a difficult...
University of Pittsburgh Event
Discussing endangered Minorities in the Arab Spring at the University of Pittsburgh on October 29. How has the Arab Spring effected minorities throughout the Middle East? A research fellow at the New America Foundation came to the University of Pittsburgh to discuss how minorities living throughout the Middle East have been...
Recap of Dr. Anat Berko’s Campus Tour
Anat Berko just recently completed her October campus tour, visiting ten campuses that stretched from Florida to Ohio. Recap of Dr. Berko’s Eastern tour of the US: October 7: Binghamton University October 8: Florida Atlantic University October 9: University of Southern Florida October 9: University of Central Florida October 10:...