Yom Ha’Atzmaut is one of the most meaningful holidays in Israel. It is followed right after Yom Ha’Zikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror. Every year, the citizens of Israel make the transition from darkness to light, anguish to gratitude, death to life, tears to utter joy....
Bottle in the Gaza Sea Screening at UAA
University of Alaska Anchorage’s CAMERA supported group, Students United, screened Bottle in the Gaza Sea. Since its release in 2011, the film has received praise, including winning the Audience Award and the Young Jury Award for Best Actor at the Reunion Island Film Festival. The film takes a very human and honest look at the...
Painting4Peace at UWindsor
University of Windsor’s Emet for Israel group, Jewish Students Association (JSA) organized Paint4Peace, a highly successful event involving a number of campus groups. All proceeds went to Save a Child’s Heart (SACH). Over thirty law students from varying affiliations, including the Muslim Students Association, the LGBTQ club, the South Asian Law Society, and...
Has Israel replaced South Africa as an Apartheid state?
George Mason University‘s Emet for Israel group, Israel Student Association (ISA), recently hosted an event focussed on answering allegations surrounding whether or not Israel has replaced South Africa as an Apartheid state. The intention was to get to the root of this bothersome question and to tackle it head on through education....
Brave Miss World Screening at UMiami
The University of Miami’s Emet for Israel group had a Brave Miss World screening on March 28th, which was co-sponsored by AEPI, No Zebras, and Her Campus. The students who came watched Brave Miss World, a film that tells Former Israeli model Linor Abargil’s story and focusses primarily on women’s rights in Israel. The audience...
Interfaith Dinner at Laurentian University
Laurentian University’s Emet for Israel group, Jewish Student Association (LUJSA), organized a great initiative, which was in partnership with LU’s Muslim Student Association and the university’s Christian Fellowship. The groups came together to hold an interfaith dinner and discussion at Tandoori Tastes restaurant in Sudbury, Ontario, which took place on the night of...
Dumisani Washington Speaks at UCONN
In early March, Dumisani Washington came to speak for the University of Connecticut’s Emet for Israel group, Huskies for Israel. Washington addressed his involvement in the U.S Civil Rights movement, diversity in Israel, and why the African American community should support Israel. These subjects kept the sixty five students in attendance engaged, as...
CAMERA hosts Israeli musician and his ‘message of peace’ on campus tour
CAMERA on Campus —an Israel education organization working on 60 college campuses worldwide, and a division of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) media watchdog group—is in the midst of hosting a nationwide campus tour with Israeli musician Gilad Segev. Grammy award-winning songwriter Jack Knight was featured...