When you think of business, high-tech, and medicine within Israel, you think of Tel Aviv, and when you think of Jerusalem you think of culture, tourism and religion. Well the Jerusalem Municipality is trying to change all that, and the wheels are most certainly already in motion. High-tech and start-ups...
The Failures of Sam Bahour
Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-Lebanese-American who is unabashed in his hatred towards Israel. If only he invested his skill and energy into bringing peace and economic cooperation to the region. By Ariella Charny “Israel [is] a settler, colonial, apartheid movement clinging to a racialist, exclusivist ideology. [The Palestinians] were correct...
Israel Lends a Helping Hand
Nepal is a landlocked nation with the current population of over 27 million people. As reported by the World Bank, Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world. There are a number of issues facing Nepal, but the more substantial issues are related to water pollution and scarcity....