The actions of the IDF are frequently in the news, but nothing compares to being able to actually hear firsthand from IDF soldiers themselves. CAMERA on Campus brought Major Abdallah (whose full name cannot be revealed for security reasons) to speak to American audiences – and he brought a unique...
Visiting the Sunshine State
Campus Coordinator Tatiana-Rose Becker recently returned from a campus tour of Florida, visiting all six of the CAMERA supported groups in the state: ShalomFIU at Florida International University, EMET Israel at University of Miami, Owls for Israel at Florida Atlantic University, Bulls for Israel at University of South Florida, Knights...
Bulls for Israel Bring New Students In
Bulls for Israel, our Emet for Israel (formerly CCAP) group at the University of South Florida, hosted a successful event entitled Understanding Israel this past fall semester, with the hopes of educating students about Israel’s culture and the impact it has on the world. The event consisted of three “stations” between which students...
CAMERA Helps Bring Dr. Anat Berko to USF
On October 9th, Dr. Anat Berko visited the University of South Florida campus as part of CAMERA’s Less Hamas More Hummus campaign. CAMERA Fellow Danielle Haberer hosted the event with CCAP group Bulls for Israel, which drew a diverse crowd of 55 students and professors. Danielle reported that the event successfully engaged the...