Sometimes we have to report about the worst of anti-Israel activity. Here is a statement from Kelsey Kimmes, President of CAMERA-supported group 49ers for Israel, at California State University, Long Beach. “Today my campus disappointed me, it shamed me. Our student ASI voted to advance the most hateful, divisive, discriminatory, anti-Semitic...
“Hate Spaces” Film Review
The film, “Hate Spaces” extends beyond its immediate subject matter. Although at its core, it speaks to the evils of anti-Semitic fervor that plague college campuses around the nation, the film addresses larger issues about intolerance in this country. Just shy of two hours, “Hate Spaces” is a film about...
South Africa and Palestine – When a Narrative Falls Apart
The event “Parallels: South African Apartheid and Occupied Palestine” open to the public at Hunter College this past November and hosted by the Palestinian Solidarity Alliance (PSA) was a failed attempt to connect the struggles between present-day Palestinians and Black South African residents in the 1960s. By bringing in Bonita...
Q+A with Hen Mazzig
Tomorrow (Tuesday March 14th) Hen Mazzig begins his East Coast campus tour with CAMERA. Just before he took off for New York, we sat down with Hen to learn more about him and his passion for Israel education. Aron: Hi Hen, its great to speak with you! Hen: Likewise! Aron: Your upcoming tour with CAMERA on...
The Dangers of Divestment
Less than one year after USG voted down OSU Divest’s attempt to divest from Israel, the group has yet again pushed the issue onto the ballot. They claim the sole purpose of this bill is to fight for social justice, and to create financial neutrality by preventing OSU from using...
Palestinians are Hurt by BDS
“All the people who wanted to close SodaStream’s West Bank factory are mistaken… They didn’t take into consideration the families,” Ali Jafar, a Palestinian SodaStream employee stated back in 2015. He had been working at the Israeli company’s West Bank factory which produced home carbonation drink machines for two years before it...
Netanyahu Makes History in Australia and Singapore
Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made history, not once, but twice. Last Monday, he became the first Israeli Prime Minister to visit Singapore, and the next day, he made the first visit to Australia by an Israeli Prime Minister. Israel and Singapore enjoy excellent relations, that in fact go...
Misinformation Leads to Harmful Boycotting
Walk around the NAC Rotunda between club hours, or even 12pm to 2pm on a Monday or Wednesday. There is no shortage of student clubs trying to sell you baked goods or fresh waffles. The pro-Israel student advocates at City College have introduced a Soda Stream. Soda streaming may be...