Student activism at the University of Cambridge surrounding the most recent events in Gaza has, of late, been severely problematic. Beginning with a rally on Kings Parade, which included calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and drew comparisons between Israeli soldiers and Nazis, the campaign has gradually...
BDS is Not Welcome at CUNY
BDS has no place on our campus. When a student embarks on their college journey, they can expect to secure many great things. Apart from acquiring a degree, students gain the knowledge and learn the facts that help them to shrewdly understand the world around them. When a student goes...
As An Argentinian-Israeli, I’m Ashamed My Country Dropped the Ball
The suspension of the match with Israel is not conducive to peace Some have credited the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement with the Argentina’s Football Association’s recent decision to cancel the last friendly match with Israel before the start of the 2018 Russia World Cup. This decision, however, was taken...
Irish Students Condemn Union’s Endorsement of Anti-Israel Boycotts
An Irish student group that seeks to raise awareness about Israel has come out against two resolutions adopted last week by Ireland’s largest students’ and teachers’ unions, which singled out the Jewish state for boycotts. The motions — adopted by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and Irish National Teachers’ Organisation...
Letter: SFUO’S Support of BDS is Discriminatory and Harmful
Earlier this month, Jewish and pro-Israel students in Ottawa were shocked to learn of a motion by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) to endorse the campaign to “boycott, divest from and sanction Israel (BDS).” While BDS portrays itself as a non-violent form of protest, its founders...
BDS Supporters Protesting Netanyahu Visit to Holocaust Memorial Event Shows Everything That is Wrong With Them
On Sunday, a ceremony will take place in Paris to mark the 75th anniversary of the Vel’ d’Hiv, the mass roundup of 13,000 Parisian Jewry during the Holocaust who were arrested and sent to their deaths. Naturally, new French President Emmanuel Macron invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the...
University Professor Who Cheered Student’s Death is a BDS Supporter
A University of Delaware professor who said that student Otto Warmbier, a victim of the North Korean regime, “got exactly what he deserved,” after he was held and possibly murdered by North Korea, is a supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) effort which seeks to delegitimize Israel. Kathy...
Jewish Students Blocked on Twitter By Professor for Calling Out Her BDS Support
Last week, two Jewish students at the University of Western Ontario were blocked on Twitter for challenging a Huron professor expressing their support for BDS on Twitter. Huron professor Wendy Russell retweeted a post by the handle @BDSmovement calling Gaza an ‘open air prison’. Jewish students then challenged her effective...