4 minute read

A Manipulative Campaign

This piece was originally published on March, 11th 2014 in The Link by CAMERA Fellow Michelle Soicher. This week, Israeli Apartheid Week events will be mounted all across the city with participation from McGill University, the Université de Montreal, and Concordia. Concordia has a long and troublesome history with Israeli affairs. In...

4 minute read

Jelen’s Big Slip

This letter is in a response to an op-ed published in the Uruguayan newspaper La Diaria: “¨Grilled Palestinians”. Ilan’s piece was originally published in Uruguay monthly Identidady and at Comité Central Israelita del Uruguay (Israelite Central Committee of Uruguay) on November 4, 2013. “Grilled Palestinians” is not a dish to be served...

9 minute read

Fighting for Israel on College Campuses

CAMERA’s Senior Campus Coordinator, Samantha Mandeles, recently wrote the following piece, a version of which appears in the Algemeiner, about the events that led her to her current position at CAMERA. While attending Hampshire College, Samantha was subjected to harassment, bullying and an overall hostile and anti-Israel atmosphere. Fighting for...

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