3 minute read

Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic?

Israel is facing a tide of hatred all around the world. From the United States to Europe, to the Middle East, many try to delegitimize the state of Israel. People can surely be just critical of Israeli policies. However, many people are anti-Israel due to their hate for the Jewish people....

10 minute read

23 Reasons Why BDS is Antisemitic

This post was written by Professor Dr. David Hirsh, at the University of London and originally published at Engage. 1. BDS singles out Israel BDS is a global campaign against Israel and only Israel. It seeks to foment sufficient emotional anger with Israel, and with only Israel, so that people around the world...

3 minute read

OP-ED: BU Hillel community is all-inclusive

My latest YouTube obsession is something called “Bad Lip Reading.” In “Bad Lip Reading,” new dialogue is dubbed over scenes from movies like “The Avengers” and “Twilight.” Instead of Kristen Stewart telling Robert Pattinson she’s freaked out that he’s a vampire or Mark Ruffalo complaining about the daily life of a radioactive...

4 minute read

A Day with AIPAC Protesters: A Memoir

From presidential candidates to a spectacular rotating stage that left me with more questions than answers, AIPAC put their entire heart into throwing the Super Bowl of Israel conferences. Organizers go above and beyond to ensure we leave the conference with a better understanding of Israel’s past, present, and future....

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