This article was written by Baruch College CAMERA Fellow Alisa Rudy. It was first published in “The Ticker” on November 12, 2013. Nov. 11 marks a significant loss in Palestinian history: the anniversary of the death of the late Fatah and Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat. Not coincidentally, it...
Palestine is the Missing Partner for Peace
This piece was written by Alisa Rudy and first published in “The Ticker” on April 7th. Alisa is a junior majoring in Middle East Studies at Baruch College, is the current President of the CCAP group Youth Organization For Israel, Baruch’s student pro-Israel club. Peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leadership are yet again at a...
Yishai Goldflam Speaks at CUNY Baruch
On March 18, Yishai Goldflam, Presspectiva director, visited CUNY Baruch College in New York. He spoke to 25 engaged students about CAMERA’s Israel division, Presspectiva, as well as CAMERA and Presspectiva’s mission—to change the negative portrayal of Israel in the media. Mr. Goldflam also spoke about the two state solution....