Controversy emerged upon the discovery that Professor Bruce Duthu, nominated to be Dartmouth College’s Dean of Faculty, and currently serves as Associate Dean, had publicly supported an academic boycott of Israel. We worked with our students at Dartmouth, who met with Duthu, upon which he clarified his stance on BDS and academic boycotts. Less than two weeks later, yesterday Duthu announced that he is stepping down from his current position as associate dean and from the nomination for Dean of Faculty.

Gilad Skolnick, Director of Campus Programming for CAMERA, made the following statement in response to his resignation:
“Boycotting Israeli academia aims to alienate the world’s only Jewish nation. Professor Duthu’s association with boycotting Israel was deeply painful to Jewish students, who were saddened by his insensitivity and attacks on their heritage as an indigenous people. We’re thankful that Professor Duthu has decided to step down so that a more inclusive dean can be appointed.”
We are pleased with this result and will continue to work hard to ensure that Israel, Israel’s supporters, and Israelis are treated equally on campuses across the US.