3 minute read

Enshrined Anti-Zionism at San Francisco State University and Many US Campuses

Recently, as reported by The Algemeiner, dozens of organizations petitioned the chancellor of the California State University system in response to San Francisco State University (SFSU) professor Rabab Abdulhadi’s use of the university’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diaspora Studies (AMED) Facebook page to spread antisemitic propaganda. This concern is more than justified. As the...

3 minute read

IfNotNow Proves Its Anti-Israel Bona Fides

Amid the recent eviction of a Palestinian family from the neighborhood of Silwan, East Jerusalem, the radical left-wing organization IfNotNow pleaded with their community through Twitter to “…stand against the Judaization of East Jerusalem.” Ignoring the particular history and presence of the Jewish people in that region, IfNotNow subconsciously invoked a term...

4 minute read

The Complexity of Jewish Opinions

It is no secret that young Jewish Americans are opinionated and passionate about the State of Israel. With Israel groups on college campuses and majors dedicated to studying Israel and the Middle East, it is easy to actively engage with the conversation. Jewish Americans are taking this interest further and...

3 minute read

Israel Gets Red-Carpet Treatment in New York City

“…CAMERA empowers readers, students, academics, politicians, business leaders and the general public to address these distortions in reporting about the Middle East, and to defend Israel against egregious accusations and harmful inaccuracies in the media.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Some 500 supporters of Israel gathered in New York City...

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