2 minute read

Allies of Israel at UNO

  On September 23rd, our CCAP- supported group Allies of Israel at University of New Orleans spent the day tabling with CAMERA materials and apples and honey to bring in the Jewish New Year! Check out some of their amazing photos below! We are so proud of our amazing students!...

4 minute read

VALDARY: This is Our Year

This piece was contributed by the founder and president of CCAP group Allies of Israel at the University of New Orleans, Chloe Simone Valdary.  This Is Our Year As soon as I came out of my European History class last Thursday morning, I saw the grass in the distance littered...

2 minute read

Georgetown Professor Joins Israel Boycott, Tweets CounterPunch, and Condemns Israel’s so-called “Massive Slaughter of Civilians.”

Notoriously anti-Israel (and, dare we say, anti-Semitic?) Georgetown University professor John Esposito has struck again. According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Esposito has become one of six Middle Eastern Studies directors at American universities to publicly embrace a total academic boycott of Israel: Georgetown University Professor John Esposito is...

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