4 minute read

Keeping Track of Biased Professors

The AMCHA Initiative is an organization that monitors anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activity on college campuses. Judea Pearl, friend of CAMERA, professor at UCLA, and father of the tragically murdered journalist, Daniel Pearl, wrote this piece in support of the quest to monitor professors’ anti-Israel activity and keep a current list of...

2 minute read

Max Blumenthal Dis-Invited in Germany

Max Blumenthal, one of our favorite anti-Semitic activist authors, was recently dis-invited from speaking at an event in Germany, the Algemeiner reports: The leader of the main opposition party in Germany, the far-left Die Linke (“The Left,”) has shut down a forthcoming party seminar at the German parliament featuring Max...

< 1 minute read

Palestinian Incitement 101

This following excerpt is from a piece by Aviva Slomich, CAMERA’s International Campus Director, was originally published in The Times of Israel. How do you explain to American college students that some of Israel’s neighbors pass out candy on the streets in celebration of murder of innocent people?This is unheard of...

4 minute read

A Futile Letter From a Student to Academia

By Ron Feingold As the number of students walking through the halls of Universities increases, so does the role of academia in policy making. Essentially, what is easily the most energetic and effortlessly mobilized demographic in the world; young, educated, passionate, compassionate, ambitious, and idealistic- is constantly under the watchful eye...

4 minute read

Understanding a Terrorist

On October 22nd, Israel was rocked with yet another attack on its citizens. A Palestinian man rammed his car into a crowded light rail stop, killing two people: a 3-month old American girl and a Ecuadorian woman who had recently moved to Israel to finish her conversion to Judaism. I...

4 minute read

Today I Was Called A Nazi

By Tatiana Rose-Becker This article has been republished in The Algemeiner. Today,  among other things, I was told by a Palestinian student visiting at FSU, that the 67 innocent Jews murdered in Hebron in 1929 were actually not Jews, they were Arabs. I was also told I am less of...

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