Budrus is a documentary that was released in 2009. The film focuses on the anti-Security Fence movement growing in the village of Budrus, located in the West Bank. The anti-Security Fence movement is a series of protests which often start as nonviolent demonstrations but often end with throwing rocks. These...
One More Saturday Night to Buycott
Many artists, such as Roger Waters, John Williams and Lupe Fiasco choose to not hold concerts in Israel in support of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement. These artists subscribe to the idea that the best way to combat what they believe to be an illegal occupation is to not...
Why Are We Bullying Birthright?
This piece has been republished by The Algemeiner. Birthright is a 10-day free trip to Israel that is offered to all Jews between the ages of 18 and 26 who have not previously been on a peer trip to Israel. While these 10 days are filled with fun and many...
Knotted Narratives
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is not pro-Palestine, they are anti-Israel. This may seem like the same thing (pro-Palestine and anti-Israel), but they are not. SJP seems to only rally around Palestinians who are being killed by Israelis. They don’t talk about the abuse of Palestinians in other countries,...
Standing Strong
Operation Protective Edge has been in full swing for 17 days and Israel has sent troops into Gaza. Just a bit over two weeks after initially entering Gaza, over 30 Israelis have been killed. In the last 17 days, over 2000 rockets have been shot into Israel. At the same...
Israeli Reality Check
This is the third draft of “Israeli Reality Check” that I have written and I’m sure that it will still not be current enough when it is posted due to the ever-changing situation in Israel. When I embarked on my journey to Israel in mid-June, I never imagined that I...
CAMERA Leadership and Advocacy Mission to Israel: Day One
This past week, CAMERA students from around the United States, Canada and Uruguay gathered for CAMERA’s annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Mission in Israel. The trip’s goal is to teach students to accurately and affectively spread their messages about Israel. The students on the trip include CCAP activists, CAMERA Fellows, and Israel campus...
Northeastern’s Justified Actions
The freedom of expression is laid out in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. While this freedom seems to be self explanatory, it is often more convoluted and complex than anyone could ever imagine. However, the biggest problem with the freedom of expression is that many people take...