Since the October 7th attacks last year, Jewish and Israeli students have increasingly felt alienated on London campuses through a series of events and intimidation campaigns which facetiously disguised as activism. One of the earliest manifestations I witnessed of this phenomenon was directly after the October 7th attack. After the...
CSU BDS vote filled with non-student participants, intimidation and praise for Sinwar
The Concordia Student Union’s (CSU) “emergency” General Assembly on January 29 was never going to be a fair process. Organizers expected 700 registered students but were overwhelmed by nearly 1,000 attendees. The Q&A session and structured debate were scrapped, and the motion rushed to a vote. Jewish students and opponents...
A Painful Reminder: The Stark Moral Divide in the War Against Israel
Update 2/21: In a deeply sorrowful turn of events, it has been confirmed that the remains returned by Hamas, initially believed to belong to Shiri Bibas and her two young sons, Kfir and Ariel, have revealed that the boys were tragically murdered in captivity. Kfir was just 4 years old...
CAMERA on Campus משיקה את הקמפיין השנתי החמישי של ‘Apartheid Week Exposed’ למאבק במידע שגוי ואנטישמיות גואה בקמפוסים.
בוסטון, מסצ’וסטס – בתגובה לגל ההולך וגובר של אנטישמיות ומידע מוטעה המכוונים לסטודנטים יהודים ופרו-ישראלים, CAMERA on Campus מכריזה בגאווה על השקת הקמפיין השנתי החמישי שלה ‘Apartheid Week Exposed’. יוזמה זו מציידת את הסטודנטים בכלים אפקטיביים כדי להילחם בדיסאינפורמציה אנטי-ישראלית ולהתמודד עם עוינות בקמפוסים שלהם. “קמפיין זה נועד לחמש את...
Pro-Palestinian Activism is Degrading Concordia
The Concordia Student Union’s (CSU) “emergency” General Assembly on January 29th was never going to be a fair process. Organizers expected 700 registered students but were overwhelmed by nearly 1,000 attendees. The Q&A session and structured debate were scrapped, and the motion rushed to a vote. Jewish students and opponents...
UCLA Student Newspaper Protects Oct. 7 Supporters, and Attacks Jews
At UCLA, a troubling pattern has emerged: individuals engaged in antisemitic discrimination are being recast as victims, while those targeted are portrayed as villains for speaking out. Nowhere is this clearer than in the case of a staff member who resigned amid allegations that she actively excluded Jewish students from...
You are not all Palestinians
A shrill voice screamed into a megaphone outside Queen’s University Belfast during a recent visit by the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The air held an escalating energy. “They will kill anyone, they will do anything, to make sure Palestine does not exist anymore!” I did not want...
Jewish students at the University of Exeter feel marginalized, targeted and voiceless
The University of Exeter’s decision to decline an invitation to participate in a Kristallnacht commemoration in Krakow and Auschwitz this past November was not merely a missed opportunity. It reflected a deeper, more troubling trend: the systemic marginalization and lack of support for Jewish students on campus. While the university publicly...