2 minute read

Tabling 101

As an active member of Owls for Israel, the Emet for Israel group at Florida Atlantic University, I am devoted as a student in spreading Pro Israel awareness on campus. At FAU my group and I table every Monday from ten in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon....

3 minute read


Rewind to one year and five months ago. Saturday night in Jerusalem, as I remember it from living in the city, is a time of reawakening. The city gently wakes up from the rest of the Jewish holy day, Shabbat, and shops reopen, people traverse the country to return to...

3 minute read

BBC Blur, a Stirring Reality

First thing in the morning, we, the participants on CAMERA’s Annual Leadership and Advocacy Training Mission to Israel departed our hotel to Kfar Haruv, a kibbutz located in the southern Golan Heights to meet Hadar Sela, the managing director of BBC Watch. Before hearing from Sela, we were entranced by the...

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