< 1 minute read

Fellows in Focus: Jake Suster

  Jake Suster is the President of CAMERA-supported group Knights for Israel at the University of Central Florida. As a Fellow, Jake will continue to bring a pro-Israel narrative to campus. KFI is currently the only pro-Israel advocacy organization at UCF, the largest university by student population in Florida.

< 1 minute read

Fellows in Focus: Rebecca Fliegelman

Rebecca Fliegelman grew up in Rockland County and is the second of four girls. She got her associates degree in liberal arts from Rockland Community College in 2016 and is now pursuing a psychology undergraduate degree at Hunter College. She plans to go to graduate school for physical therapy in Israel...

< 1 minute read

Fellows in Focus: Oshra Bitton

Oshra Bitton is a creative writing major at the City College of New York (CCNY), an Undergrad Editor at Promethean––CCNY’s official literary journal––and the Social Media Chair of Students Supporting Israel at CCNY. Oshra is very active in the pro-Israel community and on social media. Still, she’s best known for sporting...

< 1 minute read

Fellows in Focus: Nadiya Al-Noor

Nadiya Al-Noor is a 22-year-old Shia Muslim activist from New York. She is a graduate student in the dual-degree Master of Public Administration and Student Affairs Administration program at Binghamton University. She graduated with honors from Goucher College with a degree in Russian. She is a speaker and writer on Jewish-Muslim...

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