Earlier this month, Jewish and pro-Israel students in Ottawa were shocked to learn of a motion by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) to endorse the campaign to “boycott, divest from and sanction Israel (BDS).” While BDS portrays itself as a non-violent form of protest, its founders...
Still Living: Remembering Morocco’s Jews
When I think about Israeli culture, I think of startups, I think of gorgeous museums with modern art exhibits, of Sabich, falafel, and hip new musicians, of the Tel Aviv boardwalk and the new lineup of hit Israeli TV shows on Netflix. Israel has a rich culture, and yet often...
Ambassador Dennis Ross on the 2000 Clinton Parameters
No one’s been closer than Ambassador Dennis Ross to pulling off what President Trump described as the “ultimate deal” — a peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. During the fateful days of the Camp David Summit in July 2000, it was Ross — then U.S. envoy to the Middle East...
Indian CAMERA Fellow Educates His Peers on Israel
When you think of anti-Israel bias, India probably isn’t the first place that comes to mind. It might surprise you, but with one of the oldest continuous Jewish communities in the world, and an expanding diplomatic relationship with the Israeli government, college campuses in India are wrought with inaccuracies when...
Intersectional Zionism: Why “Progressive Zionist” is not a Contradiction
For many of today’s mainstream progressives, opposing the Jewish State is part of a complete breakfast. In order to be progressive, we must stand against the racist Zionist agenda. At least, that’s what we have been taught. But if you take the time to look deeper, you might be surprised...
Call for the Immediate Resignation of Rutgers President Barchi
In an article co-authored by CAMERA Fellow Miriam Waghalter and Austin Altman, president and board member of CAMERA-supported group Scarlet Knights for Israel, the two outlined the immorality of Rutgers continuing to employ Rutgers professors Michael Chikindas and Mazen Adi. Jasbir Puar, who has a history of anti-Semitism, including using...
Rutgers Cannot Defend Hiring Assad Spokesman, Anti-Semite
Rutgers University is supposed to be a safe and encouraging environment for students to learn about their passions. A large component to this goal is the faculty employed at the University. Over the past several weeks, it has been revealed that several members of the Rutgers faculty have backgrounds and...
The Misnomer that is Freedom of Speech at Cambridge University
Concern over the protection of freedom of speech on campus manifested itself once again, this time at a spectacle at the University of Cambridge. It was there, where a panel discussion took place on the role of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign in the context of the “globalised...