CAMERA supported campuses have been busy for the first half of February! Each event was well attended and proved to be successful! Aggies for Israel at UC Davis held a successful event at the end of January! During the event, they were able to discuss Tu B’Shvat, their organization, and...
December/January 2018 Update
December and January continued to prove to be very successful for many of the CAMERA- supported campuses! In December, the students of Emet Israel held an event entitled, “Finals Study Break”! They were able to set up Israeli music, bagels, and coffee, as well as other snacks in order...
Mahmoud Abbas is Still Not a Moderate
Last Sunday, during a two-hour speech in Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas declared that “Israel is a colonial project that has nothing to do with Jews“. The declaration, made at a meeting of the PLO’s leadership, was not only incorrect but was just one in a long list of inflammatory lies made...
The BDS cult and the dancing Jewish students – a night at UCL
Last night, 25 Jan, Hen Mazzig returned to University College London (UCL) for a talk. Hen has uploaded his discussion with the UCL Provost on Facebook. Hen had been invited there following the disgraceful scenes that faced him upon his first visit in 2016. For those that do not remember, anti-Israel protestors...
A Jewish Obligation
I had not expected to reflect upon the Holocaust that day. My family and I were vacationing in Boston over Winter Break, following the Freedom Trail from the wharf to the South End when we stumbled across a peculiar architecture. It stood disconnected and emotionless in between the mayor’s office...
Jewish Students Undeterred by Campaign of Hatred at UCL (Press Release)
London, England (Thursday, January 25th) – University College London made headlines in 2016 when riot police had to stop members of UCL Palestine Society from attacking Jewish students who were attending a speaking event with Israeli human rights activist Hen Mazzig. Undeterred, the students brought Mazzig back to speak at...
Why is Arab Violence Taken as a Given?
Conversation needs to shift from “don’t provoke” to “no excuse for terrorism” On Dec. 6, 2017, President Trump announced that America officially acknowledges Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and would eventually move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Referring to this as “acknowledging the obvious,” Trump explained that Israel is a sovereign...
October Events Report
While August and September were busy kick-starting events and actions on campus, October proved to be very beneficial by way of programming. CAMERA- supported campuses all over held different events and discussions about different aspects of Israel and Israeli culture. This month, Great Danes for Israel at the University of...