3 minute read

Palestinian Textbooks Are ‘Significantly More Radical’ Than Before

The hatred taught in Palestinian schools is only increasing, according to an Algemeiner article by correspondent Shiri Moshe (“Report: New Palestinian Curriculum Praises ‘Martyrdom,’ Significantly ‘More Radical’ Than Before,” Dec. 3, 2017). Moshe highlighted a recent study by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), which found that Palestinian...

3 minute read

It’s Time to Raise Our Expectations

A Jewish security guard is in critical condition after a 24 year-old Palestinian man stabbed him in the chest. The footage of the attack is graphic and difficult to watch. Since President Trump’s decision Wednesday to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Palestinian and Arab leaders have responded with threats...

3 minute read

Free Speech on Campus? Only for Extremists.

In the recent UCL Friends of Palestine event, held on a Friday night, Israeli-born Miko Peled compared Zionists to Nazis. Alongside him, prominent Hamas supporter, Azzam Tamimi, defended Palestinian terrorism, stating:” Of course they will rebel, they will fight”. It is simply unacceptable that a man who has voiced anti-Semitic...

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