4 minute read

What Does the UNHRC Stand For?

It goes without saying – Human rights abusers shouldn’t sit on the UN Human Rights Council In a landmark decision, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Tuesday the United States’ immediate withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Haley and Pompeo...

2 minute read

Miss Iraq Reunited with Miss Israel in Jerusalem

They weren’t supposed to be friends. While the governments of most Arab nations maintain hostile positions towards Israel, the same cannot be said for all of their citizens. Many citizens of these countries are becoming increasingly frustrated with their government’s policies vis-a-vis Israel, taking it upon themselves to create a...

3 minute read

George Mason University Israel Student Association Challenges Campus Intolerance

George Mason University’s Israel Student Association Recognized for Outstanding Leadership George Mason University’s Israel Student Association (ISA) was privileged to accept the David Bar-Ilan Award for Outstanding Student Leadership at the 2018 CAMERA Gala. The ISA board members in attendance addressed the almost 600 attendees, providing insight into how they navigated...

< 1 minute read

Israel & Me

Israel is not merely a place A couple of weeks ago, for Israel’s 70th anniversary, I was asked to reflect on what Israel means to me. Easy, I thought to myself. I grabbed my pen and began to brainstorm; Jerusalem, Israel, hummus, peace, white and blue. It was hard to...

3 minute read

Knights for Israel Honored at CAMERA Gala 2018

The group was recognized for its outstanding campus activism This year, UCF’s Knights for Israel was honored with the David Bar-Ilan Award for Outstanding Campus Activism. This award signified a tremendous amount of accomplishments for the organization. When CAMERA called with the great news, we understood why we were being...

3 minute read

Agro-Terrorism is the Last Straw, Where is the UN?

Despite the resolutions and comments made by the United Nations throughout the past five decades demonstrating a clear institutional bias against the State of Israel, it is the international community’s unwillingness to legally and explicitly define terrorism which continues to perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Through a well strategized victimization policy,...

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