Festive meals have always been an integral part of Jewish holidays, bringing family and friends together during special times. At the University of Windsor, it seems that nothing bonds Italians and Jews together more than wine and cheese.
This past school year, CAMERA-supported group, UWindsor Jewish Students Association (JSA), hosted a wine and cheese event. Italians are masters of wine and cheese but Israel exports fine wines as well.

At the event, the JSA offered a variety of wines, half Italian and half Israeli, and provided information about the origin of each wine. Italian and Jewish attendees were able to explore Italian and Israeli geography as they tasted each wine and with every sip, enjoyed the night even more. The Italian club provided an array of cheeses as well.
A relaxed evening, everyone enjoyed themselves and had fun learning about each other’s roots.

With so much hatred and anti-semitism on campus, a night of drinks and delicacies can do the trick to let college students live a little and remind them that there are always people who appreciate Israel as well.
Drinking wine together and sharing our deep history is what the quintessential Jewish holiday, Passover, is all about and gives just a taste of the amazing Israeli wine culture.
Contributed by CAMERA Intern Penina Simkovitz