Nepal is a landlocked nation with the current population of over 27 million people. As reported by the World Bank, Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world. There are a number of issues facing Nepal, but the more substantial issues are related to water pollution and scarcity. According to the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage in Nepal, an estimated 80% of the total population has access to drinking water; however, it is contaminated. The contaminated water, along with the seasonal schedule—the dry season in Nepal begins in March and ends in September, when the rainy season begins—leaves the Nepali population vulnerable to waterborne illness. The unhygienic environmental situation and a water pollution creates a deadly combination.

Israel has now come to Nepal’s rescue. Although Israel also suffers from water issues, they have advanced in finding resources that help the country strive in farming strategies. In Israel, 75% of the sewage water in Israel is recycled and reused; this is the highest rate in the world. According to Jspace News, two hundred children of Nepali farmers are expected to arrive in Israel for 10 months of agricultural training.
This program will be sponsored by the Kathmandu-based Small Farmers Development Bank, and its goal is to give the Nepali children the utensils and knowledge that they will need to grow their farms and provide a sustainable water source and income for their families. These children are going to learn from Israel’s successful agricultural businesses, many of which use cutting edge technologies to diminish water insufficiencies and make these desert regions succeed.
Read more here about Israel’s water issues
Contributed by CAMERA intern Leeron Ofer