On Monday, September 12th, CAMERA-supported group Emet Israel had their first event, their annual BBQ.  At the event, Emet Israel gave away free tshirts, served kosher food, and took the opportunity to speak about upcoming programs and events, including Israeli-Arab diplomat George Deek’s tour, Canes Night Live, and Israel Day.  


Emet Israel met their goals, with a large turnout of people who were genuinely interested in learning about the group, and signed up for their fellowship program. A lot of the students who asked questions were not affiliated with Israel or of Jewish decent; they were intrigued by the amount of activities and educational aspects Emet Israel holds. Numerous students applied for the fellowship program following the event. Many freshmen attended the BBQ, and following the event, “What Exactly is EMET?” emails were sent to the attendees. Every student that attended the event was so happy to receive an IDF-Emet shirt. Since the event, students wearing Emet shirts can be seen all over campus.

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