December and January continued to prove to be very successful for many of the CAMERA- supported campuses!

In December, the students of Emet Israel held an event entitled, “Finals Study Break”! They were able to set up Israeli music, bagels, and coffee, as well as other snacks in order to provide the greater University of Miami community a much-needed break from studying! Members of Emet Israel were able to connect with many different students, engage in different conversations, as well as promote Emet Israel and events for the following semester!

The Israel Student Association at Queens College held two successful events! The event, “Pre-Chanukah Party” held Chanukah themed trivia, as well as facilitated different conversations about Israel community on campus. The ultimate goal of the event was to reconnect with the Jewish community on campus while enjoying Chanukah- themed festivities – the event was well attended and seemed to be enjoyed by all!
The students of ISA also created an Israel/Finals Care Packages! They put together some of the “essentials” to help with finals week. These care packages held different elements that help students make their way through finals week, as well as taught the recipients about different elements of Israel!
Alliance for Israel at Northeastern University held their event, “Graduate Student Tu B’shvat Wine Tasting”. The participants were able to learn about the history of wine in Israel, hear a description of the region in which the wines came from, as well as the history of the wine itself. Throughout the evening, there were many opportunities to ask questions and engage in the presentation. The event was very well attended and participants seemed to enjoy the event in its entirety!
Contributed by Campus Coordinator Alex Rittenberg