3 minute read

Shunned But Not Silenced

Anti-normalization will not get us anywhere. In 1967, after the Six-Day War, the leaders of eight Arab countries convened and adopted the Khartoum Resolution. This resolution implemented “The 3 No’s”: no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, and no negotiations with Israel. Fast forward around 50 years and a...

2 minute read

BDS at Cambridge: Activism Blinded by Self-Righteousness?

Student activism at the University of Cambridge surrounding the most recent events in Gaza has, of late, been severely problematic. Beginning with a rally on Kings Parade, which included calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and drew comparisons between Israeli soldiers and Nazis, the campaign has gradually...

4 minute read

BDS is Not Welcome at CUNY

BDS has no place on our campus. When a student embarks on their college journey, they can expect to secure many great things. Apart from acquiring a degree, students gain the knowledge and learn the facts that help them to shrewdly understand the world around them. When a student goes...

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