In response to the August 2017 “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia — which saw throngs of white nationalists yelling, among other obscenities, “Jews will not replace us” — then president of San Francisco State University (SFSU), Les Wong, published a message of consolation. The memo was remarkably passionate. Wong decried...
San Francisco State’s Ethnicities Department to Host Documented Palestinian Terrorist
San Francisco State University’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies (AMED) is scheduled to host later this month a virtual conversation with a known Palestinian terrorist. Leila Khaled played a critical role in two airplane hijackings as a member of the U.S.-designated terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of...
Bashing Opportunities to Study Hebrew in Israel
Photo: Philafrenzy/Wikimedia Commons This month it was revealed that the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) moved its “Hebrew Year Abroad” scheme from Hebrew University in Jerusalem to Haifa University. The University of West London has also severed ties with Hebrew U and is yet to announce a replacement Hebrew program....
Off-Campus, But in Touch: Students Learn Tools From CAMERA Conference to Fight Antisemitism
Due to global coronavirus pandemic, this year’s CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis) student conference was held via Zoom, teaching students how to effectively combat anti-Israel and biased propaganda on college campuses and online. Unable to attend the typical five-day, in-person training session in Boston, more...
Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine – Noura Erakat Misrepresents History
Photo: Israel Government Press Office/Wikimedia Commons Noura Erakat, assistant professor at George Mason University, claims in her new book “Justice for Some: The Question of Palestine,” that international law operates under the settler-colonial framework, and as a result has historically favored the State of Israel. According to Erakat: International law...
Contagion of Scapegoating Spreads From Higher Education Into the Streets
Photo: Dexter Van Zile/Times of Israel Any hope that the ongoing campaign to isolate Jews from mainstream society in the United States was going to slow down as a result of campus shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was shattered in Boston on the first day of July. That’s when...
Anti-Israel Animus Has Run Amok Among Young Americans
Anti-Israel activists came out in droves across the United States and Canada in early July. Why? Ostensibly, to protest the prospect of Israeli “annexation” — or, more accurately, the potential application of Israeli sovereignty to certain areas over the Green Line (which has yet to occur). Of course, chants of “Death to Israel”...
Elon Student Project Offered Skewed Narrative of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Every year, Elon University celebrates the academic achievements of its students by highlighting some of the undergraduate research that has been painstakingly gathered, organized, and presented to its professors and student body. However, this year, the content of one project took me aback. The research offered by one student, a...