2 minute read

The Holocaust Happened Outside of Europe Too

Photo: Wikipedia user Valley2city/Wikimedia Commons Once a year in Israel, a piercing siren is sounded for two minutes. On every road, street and corner of the country, life is temporarily suspended. People stop in the middle of walking, driving or working, to stand in silence, and commemorate the suffering of...

< 1 minute read

Zooming Into Israel Apartheid Week

Photo: Cantavestrella/Wikimedia Commons On Wednesday 17th March, I attended a public Zoom event hosted by SOAS Palestine Society as part of their Israel Apartheid Week 2021 series. The discussion was chaired by Youth Against Settlements (YAS), a Palestinian activist group based in the city of Hebron, situated in the southern section of the...

4 minute read

Campus Group Urges Rejection of IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

Photo: Philafrenzy/Wikimedia Commons The Palestine Society (SOASPS) at SOAS University of London released an open letter earlier this year demanding that the university’s academic board reject the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism that the British government has asked universities to accept. Co-signed by a coalition of 50-plus SOAS...

5 minute read

Ha’aretz Op-Ed Misleads to Defend SNL “Joke”

Photo: U.S. Secretary of Defense/Wikimedia Commons Satire is meant to be funny. Many popular, long-running comedy shows relentlessly caricature and mock almost every imaginable group. But there’s a difference between playing on a stereotype—as characters in “The Simpsons” do, for example—and  accusing people of murder.  Saturday Night Live (SNL) comedian...

3 minute read

The Libelous Claims on National SJP’s Panel

On February 19, 2021, the Institute for Policy Studies’ Middle East Fellow Khury Petersen-Smith and the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) organization shared their latest iteration of antisemitic libels and hypocrisy during “Freedom Intertwined: Organizing for Collective Liberation,” a virtual panel hosted by NSJP. The event framed Palestinian self-determination...

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