4 minute read

The Irony of Israel-Nazi Comparisons on College Campuses

Photo: German Federal Archive/Wikimedia Commons On a Spring day in 2018 during the March of Return riots, Palestinians at the Gaza border flew a swastika-emblazoned kite carrying a Molotov cocktail into Israel. From the black smoke of burning tires arose another swastika, only this time interposed between two Palestinian flags....

2 minute read

Teaching the Truth About Israel’s Legal Claims

On January 3rd, CAMERA on campus hosted an online event with renowned international law expert, Professor Eugene Kontorovich. The webinar, cosponsored by Yamina at Ben Gurion University, Kahol Lavan at Ben Gurion university, Im Tirzu at Sapir College, and StandWithUs, was designed to expose students to the legal facts about Israel. When reflecting on Sunday’s event, Lotem Shahar, the head...

2 minute read

CAMERA on Campus Plans to Disrupt “Israeli Apartheid Week”

For more information on CAMERA’s new campus campaign, visit www.apartheidweekexposed.org. It’s happened every year since 2005. Anti-Israel activists on college campuses around the world hold a weeklong series of events, usually in March, that demonize Israel as an “apartheid state.” Speakers at these events falsely allege that Israeli policy toward Palestinians...

3 minute read

Why we Should Celebrate the Adoption of IHRA

Photo: Ewan Munro/Wikimedia Commons At the close of last term, QMUL and QMSU announced their intention to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. Drafted in 2018, the definition creates a legal framework by which antisemitism can be challenged, and represents an important step in ensuring...

4 minute read

JVP Blames Israel for American Police Brutality Once Again

Photo: Israel Police/Wikimedia Commons In November, the Pittsburgh branch of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) publicized a petition to end all training exchanges between the Pittsburgh police and Israel.  While the petition is framed as an anti-racist fight for justice, its true focus is to (incorrectly) blame Israel for police...

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