4 minute read

Apartheid Libel is a Cover to Target Jews

Israel is not an apartheid state per any definition of the word. Apartheid refers to the legal, political and societal structure of discrimination that the white minority of South African citizens imposed on the black and Asian South African citizens from 1948 to 1994. Disenfranchisement was followed by segregation, violence,...

3 minute read

Noura Erakat’s Fairy Tales About Israel

Photo: Wikimedia Commons On March 2, 2021, the UC Santa Barbara Center for Middle East Studies hosted human rights attorney and professor Noura Erakat as a part of her international book tour. The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA)’s campus department has thoroughly reviewed the book and refuted its falsehoods....

3 minute read

Double Standards When it Comes to Jewish Self-Determination

On April 14, Jewish Voice for Peace posted a screenshot of a tweet on its Instagram page. Apparently intended to question Jewish indigeneity to Israel, the tweet began, “The strenuous insistence that we Jews are FROM Eretz Yisrael (‘indigenous’ etc) overlooks that over and over Torah reminds us we arrived there from...

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