3 minute read

Double Standards When it Comes to Jewish Self-Determination

On April 14, Jewish Voice for Peace posted a screenshot of a tweet on its Instagram page. Apparently intended to question Jewish indigeneity to Israel, the tweet began, “The strenuous insistence that we Jews are FROM Eretz Yisrael (‘indigenous’ etc) overlooks that over and over Torah reminds us we arrived there from...

3 minute read

The Abraham Accords: A Move Toward the Future

Photo: U.S. Embassy Jerusalem/Wikimedia Commons Over the last year, we’ve seen substantial shifts in the Middle East. Many Arab states have established diplomatic relations with the state of Israel. While this advancement is often seen as a positive, many anti-Zionist groups falsely believe these developments to be harmful not only...

3 minute read

B’Tselem’s Anti-Israel Report Gets the Facts Wrong

On January 11, 2021, The San Diego Union-Tribune covered a report from an alleged “leading human rights group”, B’Tselem. This report asserts that the state of Israel is guilty of “apartheid.” For those who might not be aware, apartheid is defined by the International Criminal Court as an “institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and...

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