Mission: Hebron, a short film, purports to be an investigative documentary into IDF misconduct. In practice, the film only undermines the Jewish history of Hebron and vilifies the actions of Jewish residents and soldiers there. It is a heavily biased and misleading film and raises concerns about why J Street...
The Leadership Void at CUNY
The City University of New York is a staple of one of the greatest cities in the world. It is the college option many New Yorkers take, as it is generally far less expensive than private institutions around the city. One of the most wonderful things about this vibrant city...
Anti-Israel Reverend Is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
On March 16th, the College Dean’s Office at American University (AU) announced that the university would drop its co-sponsorship of a March 17th event featuring virulent antisemite Mohammed El-Kurd. AU’s rescission of sponsorship came after more than 30 concerned students brought a series of libelous and inflammatory comments made by...
MESA’s decision to adopt BDS is wrong
On December 2nd, the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) adopted a resolution endorsing the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign targeting the Israeli universities and academics. According to MESA President Dina Rizek Khuri, “the decision was made to show solidarity with researchers whose lives and livelihoods are being attacked by the...
When Anti-Zionists Glorify Terrorism, CUNY Must Take a Stand
On March 8th, the noted anti-Zionist organization, Within Our Lifetime, saw fit to celebrate International Women’s Day by posting a graphic featuring eleven women honoring them for their roles “in the struggle for Palestinian national liberation.” The chair of Within Our Lifetime, Nerdeen Kiswani, is a current student at the...
An anti-Israel professor teaches at McGill
Most historians of the Arab-Israeli conflict agree that Palestinian terrorism undermined the peace process. Israel tried—in 1993, 2000, and 2008—but extremists rejected negotiations with Israel as apostasy. Samah Idriss, the late Lebanese writer and anti,-Zionist activist, was one such extremist. He founded the “Campaign to Boycott Supporters of ‘Israel’ in...
Will Cornell University Tolerate Anti-Israel Hate?
On Friday, March 25th, Cornell’s Students for Justice in Palestine and the Department of Near Eastern Studies plan to co-sponsor an event titled A Conversation With Mohammed El Kurd. It is inappropriate and deeply upsetting to see a Cornell department attaching their name to a speaker like this one. As...
CAMERA Advisor Adam Gordon Condemns Illegitimate and Anti-Israel Resolution at McGill
On March 21st, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) illegitimately adopted a resolution that codifies the systematic discrimination of Jewish students on campus. “The Palestine Question” spreads several falsehoods about the State of Israel, claiming the country is an “apartheid” state and is solely responsible for the plight of...