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CAMERA Infographics

Check out our latest fliers below: Click to share or like this flier:   Check out our page about refugees!         Click to share or like this flier:   More about Breaking The Silence.   Click to share or like this:Learn more about Ali Abunimah here.

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Apply now to be a CAMERA Fellow

Apply now to be a CAMERA Fellow for the 2014-2015 academic year! Applications are due soon. CAMERA Fellows are asked to put on 3 educational events about Israel and write 3 op-eds, get a generous stipend, free travel with us to Israel, and get to go to our all expense paid Boston student conference in...

2 minute read

Declare Your Freedom in Florida!

Following the success of the Declare Your Freedom event held last year in New Orleans, organized by our CCAP groups at the University of New Orleans and Tulane University, our CCAP students at UCF started planning their own Declare Your Freedom festival. This coming Sunday, Knights for Israel will be...

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Yishai Goldflam Speaks at CUNY Baruch

On March 18, Yishai Goldflam, Presspectiva director, visited CUNY Baruch College in New York. He spoke to 25 engaged students about CAMERA’s Israel division, Presspectiva, as well as CAMERA and Presspectiva’s mission—to change the negative portrayal of Israel in the media. Mr. Goldflam also spoke about the two state solution....

5 minute read

SodaStream Raffle Winner Announced

  The winner of CAMERA on Campus’s SodaStream raffle is Hosanna Thalhofer, the President of the Students Allied for Israel club at Tacoma Community College in Tacoma, Washington. CAMERA Campus Regional Coordinator and CAMERAonCampus Editor-in-Chief Gilad Skolnick recently caught up with her and asked her a few questions about herself and...

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