4 minute read

Who gets to talk about Israel?

Israel is an apartheid, genocidal regime and anyone who disagrees with that reading of history is a white-supremacist bigot promoting violence who should not be allowed onto campus.  Sound familiar? This radical reading of history, wholly unsupported by any evidence, is the standard vitriol that many university students are exposed...

5 minute read

The lies and libels of Israeli Apartheid Week

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an anti-Israel campaign hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine on college and university campuses that spreads falsehoods about the State of Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict. The central claim of “Israeli Apartheid Week” is that Israel institutes apartheid against Palestinians and Arab citizens living...

3 minute read

Farha: Deceit as Art

Columbia University recently hosted a screening of the film Farha, following the recent trend of a host of other universities. Since its premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in 2021, the film has received significant backlash from the international Jewish community. It portrays the experience of a 14-year-old Palestinian girl...

4 minute read

Demystifying Israeli Apartheid Week

Shortly before Pesach, as we were all dealing with Sarachek and those dreaded midterms, Jewish students on other college campuses were dealing with Israeli Apartheid Week. For those of you not familiar with Israeli Apartheid Week because we live on a campus with an Israeli flag fluttering alongside the American,...

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