Students Supporting Israel (SSI) at The University of Georgia hosted Reflections of a Jerusalem Correspondent featuring Etgar Lefkovits early in November. The pro-Israel group hoped to the disintegration of the Middle East with topics including new and old alliances, the rise of Islamic extremism and Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza this summer....
CAMERA Israel Office Welcomes ICC Student Trip
This week, CAMERA was glad to welcome the Israel on Campus Coalition Leadership Mission to Israel at our Jerusalem office! CAMERA’s Director of the Israel Office, Tamar Sternthal, spoke with the 20 students who were recommended by partner ICC organizations to attend the mission on the importance of CAMERA’s work in challenging media...
Happy New Year!
Happy (Gregorian) New Year! We are sending a HUGE Thank You to all of our devoted friends, supporters, and students for your hard work and diligence! May your 2015 be bold, beautiful, and bias-free. With love, CAMERA on Campus
Graduate Student at Missouri University Writes Strong Response to Saree Makdisi’s Anti-Israel Lecture
We are so proud of Daniel Swindell, a graduate student at Missouri University, for his Letter To The Editor in response to Saree Makdisi’s lecture at MU titled “The Everyday Occupation of Palestine.” Read Daniel’s piece below: Editor, the Tribune: I attended the Saree Makdisi lecture at MU titled “The Everyday Occupation of Palestine.”...
Students Supporting Israel at New Mexico Military Institute Hosts Anat Berko
This fall, Students Supporting Israel, the pro-Israel CCAP group at New Mexico Military Institute, organized an event titled A Night With Dr. Berko, which attracted over 100 people, including 87 cadets. Anat Berko, a world-renowned terrorism expert whose research focuses on suicide bombers and their handlers, spoke about the insights she...
Pro-Israel Group At Cornell University Has Strong Fall Semester
In the beginning of October, CAMERA Fellow at Cornell University, Reut Baer, hosted Yishai Goldflam, who spoke about media bias against Israel. Both CAMERA and the Cornellians for Israel (CFI) cosponsored Goldflam, who focused his lecture both on general biases, but also specific instances of bias and inaccuracy that happened over the course of...
Merry Christmas!
To all of our friends who celebrate, have a very merry Christmas! With love and light, CAMERA on Campus Staff
Witnesses of History: The Meaning of Being Israeli
This piece was contributed as part of our Witnesses of History campaign by Amit Boukai, our CCAP Liaison from our CCAP group at University of Indiana, Students Supporting Israel A few loud booms woke me up from a dream early one morning eight years ago. I was 12 years old,...