3 minute read

Behind the Scenes of Declare Your Freedom

Contributed by CAMERA intern Aaron Hunt Three years ago, two college freshmen, Maor Shapira, an Israeli Jew and former lone soldier in the IDF, and Chloé Simone Valdary, a Christian African-American who grew up in New Orleans, met at a pro-Israel lecture at Tulane University. They talked after the lecture...

4 minute read

Princeton Votes on Divestment from Israel

Contributed by CAMERA intern Sarah Salinger Many students at universities around the country have begun to take initiatives to divest from Israel. Most of these institutions are located on the west coast, including eight universities in California alone, but the trend is making its way across the country. The latest...

5 minute read

Let My People Go

Contributed by CAMERA intern Chaiel Schaffel. This piece has been republished by JNS.org. “This year we are slaves, next year may we be free men.” The ending line of the Passover Haggadah is a powerful director. Like a sea creature to water, we tend not to think about our freedom,...

2 minute read

CAMERA Brings Kasim Hafeez to Clark University

Contributed by CAMERA intern Emma Fruchtman. This semester, 23 Clark University students gathered to hear Kasim Hafeez describe how he became a proud Zionist. Having grown up surrounded by anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments in his small Pakistani Muslim community, having been raised by his staunchly pro-Hitler father, and having participated...

3 minute read

Anti-Semitism is Everywhere but Belongs Nowhere

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Ali Jabick. Ali is the Fellow at the University of Connecticut. This piece was originally published in The Daily Campus on April 6th, 2015. I recently spoke to my friend who is currently studying abroad in London about her experiences. Due to anti-Semitic sentiment and violent attacks in Europe, she...

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