2 minute read

In Solidarity: A discussion on Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and the Jewish Liberation Struggle

CUNY Hunter’s Emet for Israel supported group, Hunter Students for Israel brought prominent pro-Israel advocate, and former CAMERA Consultant, Chloe Valdary, to speak. She discussed the role Zionism and Jewish identity can play in pro-Israel advocacy on college campuses. It was a rallying cry to the pro-Israel student body to take ownership of their...

3 minute read


Last week students gathered in Washington Square Park for a rally organized by Realize Israel to stand in solidarity with the terror victims around the world. This was not a political event. There was no hidden agenda. The goal was simply to mourn victims, with the unspoken hope of a brighter and...

3 minute read

What Exactly is Zionism?

What exactly is Zionism? Zionism is an ideology that originated in the late 1800’s that brought nationalism to the Jewish people. It argued for a Jewish state, united world Jewry, hoping to bring to an end anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jewish people. Zionism is how I connect to...

2 minute read

LUJSA’s 2015 Hanukkah Donut Give-Away

Laurentain University’s Emet for Israel supported group, LUJSA: Laurentain University Jewish Student Association held their Annual Hanukkah Donut Give-Away on Monday, December 7th, giving out over 1000 donuts and over 250 cups of coffee to the Laurentian University student body. This event always serves as a great way for new students to...

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