2 minute read

A New Way To Peace

When we think of how peace will be achieved in Israel, we tend to think of negotiations, diplomacy and other political methods. However, Dr. Shahar Sadeh, who is currently a visiting scholar at NYU, brings a different perspective to the table, and focuses on how shared environmental initiatives can lead...

3 minute read


When you think of Israeli, what image pops into your mind? Is it a tanned person with dark hair, and a bowl of hummus in their hand? Did their family migrate from Poland or Hungary? For me, as an average American Jew, the Ashkenazi Jew was where my mind went...

3 minute read

Why BDS Pursues “Anti-Normalization”

Last week, Professors Cary Nelson and David Greenberg wrote in the Washington Post of the latest tactic of the BDS movement: anti-normalization. Anti-normalization, under the guise of rejecting any contacts between Israelis and Palestinians that “treat both parties as having legitimate grievances and aspirations,” includes shouting down pro-Israel speakers, and...

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