3 minute read

Could Everything the Media Told You About Israel’s Eroding Democracy Be Wrong?

The putative ‘erosion’ of Israel’s democracy is one of those NGO and media-driven narratives that has developed into something akin to conventional wisdom among the state’s critics – despite the dearth of any real empirical evidence attesting to such a political decline. Such erroneous predictions, amplified within both the Israeli and British far-left, sometimes go...

5 minute read

The New Anti-Semitism

The Electoral College affirmed Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States on Dec. 19, 2016. Critics of the president argued that his election would empower anti-Semitism and, unfortunately, those predictions may be correct. The Southern Poverty Law Center studied 867 hate incidents that occurred in the 10...

2 minute read

Israel’s Growing Impact on Africa

Last year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made headlines when he visited four African countries in July. “Israel is returning to Africa, just as Africa is returning to Israel,” said Mr. Netanyahu about his trip. Whilst that trip made headlines, there have been many events since then which also demonstrate the...

3 minute read

Enough is Enough

How Inclusive are Our Universities? What do you consider to be hateful behavior? Using ethnic and/or religious slurs? Intimidating students who do not agree with you to such a degree that they are afraid to attend classes or feel the need to transfer to a different university? Creating videos that...

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