4 minute read

Why Baroness Deech is right about antisemitism

Last year was full of upheaval of the most unpredictable kind.  For Jewish students in particular, it was enormously unpleasant due to the shocking intensification of visible campus antisemitism. More than any other year in recent memory, 2016 tragically reaffirmed the long-recognised reality that Britain faces a particularly difficult problem...

3 minute read

Erez’s Story

On Sunday, four Israeli soldiers were murdered in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Behind memorial photos of their smiling faces, each one of them had a story, and this is the story of one of the soldiers, Erez. Erez Orbach was the son of Uri and Keren, two immigrants to...

2 minute read

US Campuses Learn About IDF Ethics

In recent months, CAMERA has hosted numerous events featuring senior Israel Defense Forces (IDF) personnel, who shared their experiences of the ethical challenges they face during their service. Yeshiva University’s Israel Club, a CAMERA-supported group, hosted Colonel Benzi Gruber (res.), a vice commander of an IDF division. He is involved in the...

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